Legal Series: Casey Cort (9 of 10)
By: Aime Austin
Publisher: Moore Digital Media Inc
Publication Date: 05/24/21
Format: e-book
My Rating: 5 Stars ++
People lie. Documents don’t.
The quaint village of Brighthill in the southernmost part of Cuyahoga County is a bucolic Cleveland suburb bordered by a nature conservancy. But the green trees and greener grass are hiding a secret underneath. The well water that pours from the taps is being poisoned. Dozens of kids are battling childhood cancer but the cause is unknown until one attorney brings them together for the biggest class action in decades.
Justin McPhee’s legal career has so far been undistinguished. After more than a decade of practice, he is trying to decide what's most important. Is it money or is it justice? When families from Brighthill seek his help to find the cause of their kids’ cancer, Justin knows he’s finally found his calling. Determined to hold the corporation responsible, and help children heal, he’s ready to bring Cuyahoga County’s most popular family-owned company to justice. But the specter of millions in attorney’s fees starts to cloud his judgment.
Every single demon Casey Cort thought was dead and buried isn’t. One man ruined her life. Another ruined her career. Both are back to inflict more damage. This time Cleveland attorney Casey Cort needs to win, and Justin may be her ticket to victory. Can these two lawyers join forces to slay the company responsible for poisoning Brighthill’s children and put Casey’s past to rest once and for all?
Poisoned is the next installment in the high stakes Casey Cort legal thriller series. If you like strong women, David versus Goliath struggles, and stories ripped from the headlines, you’ll love Aime Austin’s page-turning novel.

My Review
I LOVE the Casey Cort legal series and author, Aime Austin! POISONED is riveting and will grip you from the first page to the last! One of my favorite legal series.
Cleveland attorney, Casey Cort returns with another emotional and action-packed drama. This time around she is smack in the middle of another high-stakes legal case.
Told from alternating POV:
Veronica Bonilla-Garza (mother, client)
Justin McPhee (attorney)
and Casey Cort (attorney).
Casey joins forces with her friend (plus benefits), Attorney, Justin McPhee, in one of the largest class-action suits against the powerful Strohmeyer Brewery. They are bad people and they are killing children.
On top of that, Casey has to face her past head-on. She cannot seem to get rid of the powerful Brody's. (you must read the prior books to get all the juicy details). Now here they are again.
Cleveland suburb bordered by a nature conservancy. But beneath the well water is being poisoned. Forty kids are battling cancer. From bran tumors, malignant bone cancer, astrocytoma, sympathetic nervous system tumors, neuroblastoma, malignant bone cancer, soft tissue sarcomas, acute lymphocytic leukemia, and their latest case, kidney cancer.
The duo attorneys are two common plea lawyers and not full-time personal injury attorneys; however, decide to join forces to go up against these powerful men.
If you have read the previous books in the series, you will enjoy catching up with some of the characters from Casey's past. Some good and some not—Especially ten years trying to run from Morell, Strohmeyer, and the Brodys.
For fun, Lulu her attorney friend is back and still dating the controlling married man with drama. Also, it is always a pleasure catching up with the gay neighbors, Jason and Greg (love), and we have Casey in the middle of two men again (Justin and Ron) in a complicated love triangle.
Jason the attorney (she has sex and chemistry with who does not want a serious relationship) which is also difficult since they are working on a case together and their personal emotions are blurred between lines of business and pleasure. They are long-time friends and colleagues. I am a big fan of Jason and hope she ends up with him!
Then there is Ron, who just made law partner and wants a serious relationship, marriage, and children. However, the chemistry is not there with him like Justin. She is half in and not fully invested.
Casey, age 36 does not have a great track record when it comes to men. She knows her biological clock is ticking. In her past how did a defense attorney end up dating two prosecutors—one of whom was known to be corrupt when she was the opposite?
What really makes this case complex is Veronica. She is the wild card. A mother of two girls Ivy and Stella. She is from Puerto Rico and her hubby Tino (not very supportive) talked her into moving to Cleveland for a job at the brewery. Yes, the same brewery which is poisoning their daughter. He is all about the job and working on a promotion and does not want to rock the boat, being part of a lawsuit. Casey is a little jealous of her since she appears to be a big fan of Justins.
Veronica, on the other hand, is a fiercely protective mother of her daughter, Ivy and this horrible cancer, even if she has to go against her husband's wishes. Due to her daughter's illness, she just lost her job as a massage therapist and their health insurance has just run out.
She will have to sacrifice one for the other and for now, she is choosing her daughter and agrees to the lawsuit and works with Justin to get the papers they need to move this case along against her husband's wishes.
Is it a contaminant, Mycotoxin, or arsenic?
As the tension mounts, Justin and Casey will have to join forces and get more proof, while putting their personal feelings aside, skirting the legal limits, and battle the biggest these giants while representing the best outcome for their clients—the parents and children who are dying.
I love nothing more than a good legal thriller when it comes to taking down the bad guys. OMG! Did I mention the personal cliffhanger at the end? Jaw-dropping. 😮
Cannot wait for ABUSED (9/15) to see how this will end. This will be a great birthday present (9/14)!!I am going to be sad to this series end, but hear there may be a spin-off so hopefully, we can keep up with Casey and all the crazy troubles she finds herself in (both personal and business).
If you enjoy strong women, legal thrillers, David versus Goliath stories, attaining justice, the TV movie Erin Brockovich , and Amazon series, Goliath, as well as stories, ripped from today's headlines — mixed with dark laugh out loud humor by the author and her relatable much loved character, Casey Cort— this series is for YOU! Highly recommend.
SEPT ELEVATOR INTERVIEW: From the first book in this series, I have been a huge fan, landing on my Top Books each year. I highly recommend this series and the author. Stay tuned for my Elevator Ride with the Author coming 9/15/21 with #10 in the series, Abused!
CASEY CORT SERIES: If you have missed any books in the series, they are available now in e-book and paperback and some in audiobook formats. Also, be sure to check out Aime's A TIME TO THRILL PODCAST!
Blog Review:
Rating: 🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Series: Casey Cort #9
Pub Date: May 24, 2021

Who knew "Beer" could be so deadly?
I love this legal series!!!! If you have not read the previous books in the series, start with the first one. Each can be read as a standalone; however, you will want to read them all! Also check out the new covers and titles and some are now available in audio format. She lands on my Top Books of the year. Not only is the author brilliant, she is also hilariously funny.
Casey Cort Legal Series
The Casey Cort Legal Thriller Series features:

About the Author

Aime Austin is the author of the Casey Cort Legal Thriller Series. Casey is almost always in trouble. Aime's full time job? Rescuing her. Good thing Aime's got experience. She practiced family and criminal law in Cleveland, Ohio for several years--so she has the skills for the job.
When Aime isn't rescuing Casey from herself, she's raising her son or traveling between Budapest and Los Angeles and hosting her podcast, A Time to Thrill. Website