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  • Writer's pictureJudith D Collins

I Almost Forgot About You

ISBN: 9781101902578

Publisher Crown

Publication Date: 6/7/2016

Format: Hardcover

My Rating: 4 Stars

The #1 New York Times bestselling author of How Stella Got Her Groove Back and Waiting To Exhale is back with the inspiring story of a woman who shakes things up in her life to find greater meaning. In I Almost Forgot About You, Dr. Georgia Young’s wonderful life–great friends, family, and successful career–aren’t enough to keep her from feeling stuck and restless. When she decides to make some major changes in her life, quitting her job as an optometrist, and moving house, she finds herself on a wild journey that may or may not include a second chance at love. Like Waiting to Exhale and How Stella Got Her Groove Back, I Almost Forgot About You will show legions of readers what can happen when you face your fears, take a chance, and open yourself up to life, love, and the possibility of a new direction.

My Review

A special thank you to Crown, LibraryThing, and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Terry McMillan, the “queen” of reinvention, returns with her latest I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT YOU —no matter the age, she always has you covered.

Through love and hate. A multi-generational tale, from wit, steamy sex, sass, regrets, romance, love, inspiration, and a feisty protagonist, keeping readers glued to the pages for more second chances.

A fitting title!

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift. – Mary Oliver, The Uses of Sorrow

Georgia Young is a baby boomer, (myself included), like many of us, as we approach this age, she is reflecting on the next half of her life, and looking back at the first half. She is a successful optometrist in the San Francisco Bay area, a home owner, attractive, and independent.

She has a nice practice; however, something is missing. She has two daughters, two granddaughters, and no romance. After two ex-husbands and discovering a former boyfriend who has died, she begins to wonder about the other men passing through her life. Where are they now? What are they doing? Life is short. Time flies by.

She wants to find them and figure out if she was important to them, and why they loved her at one time. Why it did not last. Some soul-searching. Did she become a better person because of the time she spent with him (them). To let him know what she gained from him (them)? Before this point she had never given it much thought.

Men had occupied almost thirty-five years of her entire adult life. Now it appears that the way we were raised had a major impact on what kind of person we turn out to be-- so does who we love. She wants to forgive them, and wants to find out if they’ve forgiver her. She wants them to know she did not forget about them.

Were they old flames or just sparks? Is the best part of life behind you?

I image Kerri Bradshaw (Sex and the City) writing these same questions. No matter the age, if we have a past, there is reflection. However, more stories, as we age.

Of course, McMillan's (Georgia's) journey would not be complete without her fun loving BFFs, daughters, and her feisty mother. They are getting older and each takes a different path. She is ready for a change, without or without a man. They of course all weigh in on the subject.

As Georgia grows older she realizes there’s something to be said for nostalgia and not getting rid of stuff that holds memories which is pretty much your personal anthropology, and can document your evolution on so many levels.

After receiving the low down on all the characters, you will laugh out loud as you follow Georgia’s journey. Just because you are getting older, does not mean life stops. She has some options which include selling her practice, moving, travel the world, or become an artist, and possibly a man. Romance? However, you have to let go of past anger and grudges to move on. The good with the bad.

As always, Terry keeps you laughing (especially if you are in my age group) you can appreciate. Entertained and engaged. However, the novel is for any age woman. Everyone is about second chances, self-discovery and reinvention.

There are many boomers (single women) either divorced or husbands have died who enjoy being single (myself included), those of us who do not care about ever dating or marrying again. With grown children, can finally enjoy life and be independent. The solitude. Would have loved for McMillan to have taken Georgia on a path without men (an option). In today’s world many boomer women are self sufficient without the need for a man to complete them.

Otherwise, the author always delivers wisdom, courage, entertainment and lots of laughs. Some good life lessons, with McMillan’s unique trademark style—the people in our lives have been there for a reason or season (not to confuse the two, of course). Always a lesson to be learned. At the time, we may not know the what. Years later we may just figure it out.

Always liked this quote: “Some people come into your life for a season, and some come for a lifetime. Never mix seasonal people up with lifetime expectations.” A firm believer in letting some people off the elevator of our life, which become toxic.

I also listened to the audiobook, narrated by the author--always a good time, and hours of enjoyment!

On a personal note: McMillan is only one year older than myself, so yes, it is a shocker being a senior--it creeps up on you at 60 (we are in good company). I reside in an independent living high rise apartment--waterfront prime location (I happen to the the youngest tenant in the building, in a group of mainly 70+). I just barely made the cut. You either will feel young; looking at them (fortunate not to be in a wheel chair), or depressed thinking this will be you in ten years. A scary thought! When your kids turn forty, reality hits you smack in the face. Of course I have the 84 yr. old feisty mom, as well. So there is hope yet for the good genes.

"Your genetics load the gun. Your lifestyle pulls the trigger." Mehmet Oz

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About the Author

Terry McMillan is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Waiting to Exhale, A Day Late and a Dollar Short, and The Interruption of Everything and the editor of Breaking Ice: An Anthology of Contemporary African-American Fiction. Read More






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